Eclipse Nurture Group

Welcome to our class. The adults who support our learning are Mrs Woolley, Mrs Eveleigh (Teachers), Miss Lancaster and Mrs Calway (Teaching Assistants).

We are very lucky to have a beautiful building set in its own garden. Our learning environment is key and access to the quiet outdoor area for collaborative play or calming activities helps us feel secure. In Eclipse, we continue the Nurture Principles that are embedded in the pupil's routine in Victory Class. We develop our social skills through play-based learning, team building activities and social activities such as elevenses.

In Eclipse, we know that it's great to make mistakes! We do our best learning when we feel safe to try new things and explore new concepts. We access the curriculum through a range of Learning Experiences which help us get excited about our learning.

We like to explore concepts through a range of activities and often have access to practical learning. To consolidate our learning, we will go on class trips linked to our Learning Experiences. These help us to immerse ourselves in the topic as well as develop our social skills in a variety of settings.

Important Information

If you have a safeguarding or child protection concern, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Georgia Theobald - or 01963 33234