Safeguarding & Child Protection

Safeguarding & Child Protection

Safeguarding 2024


DSL: Georgia Theobald 01963 33234 -

At our school, we consider the safeguarding of our children to be of paramount importance. Therefore, everyone on our site must be responsible for safeguarding and protecting children and be aware of our procedures.

If you have a safeguarding or child protection concern about a child, discuss your concerns with the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Georgia Theobald, ( as soon as possible. In Georgia's absence, please contact one of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, Sophie Woolley, Neil Fortune or Lauren Toddington

For further information regarding safeguarding, please refer to the policies in the policies and guidance section on this website.

If you would like any information on either keeping safe online or the different apps and consoles that are used by young people, please contact the School for information.

Health and Safety

At the Marchant-Holliday School, we follow strict health and safety guidelines and ensure risk assessments are regularly updated. We have a dedicated site team and compliance team who ensure that they undertake regular checks of the buildings, extensive school grounds, kitchens, play equipment and swimming pool. The Headteacher and Chief Operating Officer monitor these checks and ensure compliance.

Please keep us updated about any medical requirements your child may need. Parents will need to complete a medical form from the school office for any child who needs to take medicine in school, including inhalers.

All accidents at school are recorded in our accident book. All staff are trained first aiders and will administer any treatment they feel is necessary and you will be informed by telephone during the school day. Please ensure that we are kept up to date if there are any changes to your contact details. Matt Cole, Lesley Simpson, and Kirsty Hoare are our appointed first aiders.

We have regular fire drills each term, or whenever we have new staff or pupils joining us. We prepare the pupils for these events, so they are not frightened, but if your child is particularly sensitive, please let the class teacher know.

Speak out, Stay Safe! - NSPCC Video   -   Parents Tips for Talking Pants - NSPCC Video


Important Information

If you have a safeguarding or child protection concern, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Georgia Theobald - or 01963 33234