
Admission Criteria

We are an inclusive school that welcomes children from all backgrounds. Applications for placements at the school are considered for children in the age range of 5-14 (National Curriculum years 1-9).

Based on an assessment process, the school will accept children with a wide range of Social, Emotional, and Mental Health needs. However, children will normally fall broadly within the average age expected attainment range.  The school’s governing body retain the right to refuse admission to children who fall outside our admission criteria. We do not consider that it is appropriate to admit pupils whose needs pose a risk to the safety of other pupils or adults in our setting or where we feel we could not adequately meet specified outcomes on the Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP).

The school can cater for children with the following needs:

  • Social, Emotional, Mental Health
  • Speech, Language and Communication
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism (some forms)
  • Asperger’s syndrome
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia

The Special Needs and Disability Regulations and Code of Practice 2014 and Equalities Act 2010

The school governing body are mindful of their duties under the Act and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that children are not discriminated against because of their disabilities.  The school will admit pupils whose social, emotional and mental health needs are their primary disability but may consider children with additional disabilities providing that their inclusion is compatible with the education of other children within the school.

Equal Opportunities

The Equality Act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation including the Disability Discrimination Act.

The Admissions Process

The school will consider referrals made by local education authorities of children who have an EHCP that identifies their primary need as Social, Emotional and Mental Health need. We will also admit children without an EHCP who are going through, or due to have, an EHCP produced and agreed by the local authority.

Parents are able to make representations to have an independent school (approved to cater for pupils with special educational needs) named in their child’s EHCP. Where parents have asked for an independent school to be named in the plan, the local authority must consider the request.

If this school is to be considered, and prior to being named on the EHCP, the case papers will be sent to school and given careful consideration by the Headteacher, the senior team and specialist staff.  If it is agreed that the admissions criteria has been met and that it is likely that the school will be able to meet the needs outlined in the EHCP, an interview at school, or visit to the child’s current placement will be arranged.  Where a child may not currently be attending an education provision, a home visit can be deemed suitable.

Parents and Carers, children and linked relevant professionals are invited to spend time at school where they will be shown the classes and facilities and have an opportunity to meet some of the staff.  If a boarding placement is being considered, they will also have an opportunity to visit the residential areas.

Following the interview process, a decision will be made on whether it is felt that the child would be suitably placed here.  If so, and if a place is available, an offer will be made to the local authority.

There is no set admission date, and admissions can be made throughout the year.

Letter of Acceptance and Standard Terms and Conditions

When the offer of a place is made and accepted, the school will send the family, the local authority and if appropriate, social services, a letter of confirmation.  Parents and Carers are also asked to provide relevant written consents and key medical information (e.g. allergies).

The school, in close liaison with parents, carers and the local authority will monitor the placement closely over the first six months so that everyone is confident that the school is meeting the pupil’s needs.  Following this period, the annual review process (held at least annually but more regularly if required) assesses progress against EHCP outcomes.

The admissions policy is reviewed and approved by the Governing Board every two years.

Important Information

If you have a safeguarding or child protection concern, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Georgia Theobald - or 01963 33234