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Science Hook Day 6 January 2022

Science Hook Day 6 January 2022 6 January

We welcomed Chemical Cress from Fun Science into school to run a workshop on states of matter. We did lots of small experiments which involved changing states and chemical reactions. Cress encouraged us to think about whether the things she was giving us were solid, liquid or gas and to feel and smell them. We were amazed at the change that happened to cabbage water when we added citric acid, finding out that this is what makes sour sweets taste like they do, and fascinated by the reaction when we then added bicarbonate of soda.

We also made our own putty by changing liquids to a solid through mixing them together. We saw how mixing solids and liquids together can release gases with a version of elephant toothpaste and an eruption involving lemonade and mentos. 

Marchant Holiday School News - Science Hook Day 6 January 2022 Marchant Holiday School News - Science Hook Day 6 January 2022 Marchant Holiday School News - Science Hook Day 6 January 2022 Marchant Holiday School News - Science Hook Day 6 January 2022 Marchant Holiday School News - Science Hook Day 6 January 2022
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